Use case stories showing the best use of Audiense solutions
A company wanted to understand the people engaging with Wimbledon and activate the segment with the most in common with their brand. Using Audiense they were able to target this segment with ads over different channels...
A well-known gambling company used Audiense Insights to understand the audiences of their sponsors (5 clubs). With this understanding, they influenced their sponsor strategy to push certain activities to different sponsors based on the target audience they wanted to grow...
A global agency used Audiense to inform the paid media advertising strategy and define audience criteria on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google Display, DSP and for paid influencers tactics.
Does German dogs die-hard fans? Japanese cricket lovers? You name it. Audiense has worked with several agencies helping them to run campaigns focusing on very niche communities. A worldwide agency needed to find style seekers in London, for a leading fashion brand...