Use case stories showing the best use of Audiense solutions
The community manager of a brand knew the importance of building a dedicated Twitter community. He knew they need to follow the right people to build effective business relationships with influential and active people in their market sector...
A publisher wanted to identify a list of fortune 500 CEOs that they could add to the newspapers’ own list. They did this by using Twitter lists created by other newspapers, journalists and brands...
The Twitter followers of a leading insurance company’s CEO began to grow suspiciously. The new followers were profiles related to politics and fake accounts systematically following the CEO...
The most Twitter-savvy brands themselves use Audiense to understand what micro and macro accounts (brands, people, publishers) influence their markets or industry...
A fashion brand wanted to evaluate the effectiveness of having multiple handles concerning different products. They suspected that their main handle of 3.5 million users would be effective for marketing across their different product lines...
A popular sports brand wanted to evaluate the effectiveness of its campaigns on its current community. They used Audiense to monitor those talking/engaging with them over the last 6 months vs. who was following them...
If you are an expert in Social Listening we are sure you are aware that different Twitter APIs respond to different use cases. One classic misunderstanding is companies that use the deca-hose usually to spot trends or for research among other things...
Modern audiences are not short on options for content, and traditional publishers need to constantly look to the leaders in technology to retain a relevant contemporary voice...